Dorsch Qatar

Celebrating 10 years of hard work since establishment in February 2012, Dorsch Qatar has shared the responsibility and pride of participating in developing Qatar from a quiet, peaceful country to a modern, state-of-art developed and modern country that will host world wide events, which one of them is the FIFA 2022! 

Based on the sustained development in all engineering aspects such as supervision and project management, Dorsch Qatar managed to successfully deliver its clients all kinds of engineering applications. The achievements of Dorsch Qatar are strengthened by over 70 years accumulated German/International experience since Dorsch was established in Munich in 1951.

  • local experience in Qatar since 2012
  • about 600 staff members
  • over QAR 60 billion construction amounts managed, planned and supervised
  • about 100 infrastructure and building projects as of 2021

Doha (Headquarters)

Dorsch Qatar LLC
Al Salam Tower
Sheraton Roundabout
Corniche Street
P.O. Box 23593

Phone +974-4-480 2097
Fax +974-4-480 2128

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